Some info about the Players and their characters
+Robert Noakes - Awesome GM - Warhammer 40K Enthusiast
Me-Cleric-Void Born-The Navigator/Pilot in Space
+Jason Coplen - Guard- Imperial Born - Warrior / Body Guard of our group
+James Browning - Thief / Scum- World this character is from not remembered- cool character Job
+Shelly Altenburg - Ascension Guard - Imperial Born - Battle Chick
It all started with a deal and a half from Jason Coplen to Me, but after hearing how much Robert Noakes loved a previous Dark Heresy character that was part of the Inquisition. This showed me the enthusiasm he had for the game. There for I sold him the books about the Heresy/Inquisition and Rogue Trader
Last week we made characters, which went most smoothly, thanks to Rob's knowledge of the system, and he set up what our mission was when we interacted with a couple of characters that explained that there were mutant miners that are holding the gas hostage. Also we earned 200 XP at the beginning of Today for last week's game.
Today we entered the mine and interacted with a couple of large stinky hobbling monsters and of course we all worked together and shot off legs and destroyed them with a couple of critical hits. Next we found a miner hiding behind a table and bound his hands/arms and dragged him along because he would know how to open doors with more advanced technology, and know how to get out of the mine. Also we were ambushed by a group of 4 enemies hiding behind natural pillars, This fight was interesting because one of the enemies was the bait and we got surrounded by the other 3, quite an interesting battle and we were introduced to friendly fire and the negatives to the roll because one might hit a party member/s. After defeating the rebels, the next room led to a pink glowing crystal that almost mutated us and a portal to Chaos was opened. It sent out a Plague Carrier and it was a great battle, that led to it's defeat. Later we used a string of grenades and dropped the ceiling on the portal to Chaos. Lastly we were at the Storage Facility with the gas tanks and some of them were leaking, so we had to switch to melee weapons and our weapon skill instead of Ballistics skill. There we had a glorious battle against a mutant and defeated it. This is where the convention module ended and we earned a total of 600 XP to build our characters with. I realised I have to raise my Weapon Skill because I am best at Ballistics, and worked on my hand to hand through failure against the mutant.
Rob our GM is a pretty good GM and slowly added the more advanced rules as we play. My downfall is math and Degrees of Success is difficult for me but between Rob and Shelly they help out me and the other's with this problem. Rob also uses the Attribute associated with the skill/initiative check to decide the order of attack or how much we learn about the adventure or what is happening around us. The adventure was very enjoyable and shall continue from that point, after we update skill/attributes, all from the wonderful mind of Robert Noakes. Overall Dark Heresy is a fun game and our Player Characters worked together well and fun was had by all. His enthusiasm he had showed through to his game. Lastly Jason decided to sell Rob the rest of his 40K books he had in the set. May this lead to many more enjoyable games in this Universe/Galaxy.