On the Jan. 20th I ran a test run of the first scenario of the basic Gamma World set. The combat went well. I ran it with 4 characters instead of 5. At first the combat was Jason's 2 playing characters, a Yeti-Empath, named Dillian Leeson & a mind breaker-Hawk vs. a motorcyclist Hog. His characters did a lot of damage and destroyed the first enemy.
Later I added the 3rd and 4th playing character, one a character that gives off a metallic smell when he uses his powers or gives off sparks, named Urgood Urthson. The 4th character is dense and compact, solid mutant, he gives off a purple and black radiant glow, and he mainly talks telepathically, named Sam Franks.
They fought all 4 of the enemies and defeated them. I didn't use powers but in the second scenario I will. Also Jason said he would play all 4 of the characters. Also I will try to run the monsters better. I look forward to the next battle/scenario.
At the end of the scenario, The Hawk Empath found a head mounted laser that will be powered by Urgood.
Also the characters can talk telepathically because of Sam.
Jason was impressed with the system, & I believe my understanding of the system will get better with practice.
Also I think i found a bigger character sheet, and all I have to do is hook up my printer or get Jason some ink for his printer.
I purchased the expansion of Gamma World "Famine in Far-Go",based in the USA after the apocalypse at
East Dah-Koh-Tah. The game adds origins and some more Allegiances, or cryptic alliances.
Over all I am happy with the system and later on Jason said he would look on-line for the cards for powers and technology for Gamma World.